Celebrate love and friendship with this adorable set of two Christmas tree ornaments inspired by the classic TV special "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Dressed in cozy winter scarves, Rudolph and Clarice each hold a candy-cane-filled stocking gift for their friend. Set includes 2 miniature Christmas tree ornaments. Miniature Christmas tree ornaments measure approx.: Rudolph 0.49" W x 0.95" H x 0.9" D; Clarice 0.4" W x 0.84" H x 0.85" D.
All Hallmark Keepsake Christmas tree Ornaments are New Mint and in Original Box at Dar's Gold Crown Hallmark Online Ornament Shop. Priced at original price at time of issue. Searching for a particular ornament you just can't find? Give the friendly and knowledgeable staff at Dar's Hallmark a call. 231-627-6732 or send them an email.